quarta-feira, 3 de setembro de 2008

This video was produced by me and friends from school. The boys were wearing female clothes and girls male clothes. It was task from my English class and we would get a grade after showing it. We haven`t presented the video yet. In the end of the presentation we will be among the five better videos or the five worst ones. So I hope my teacher enjoy it. What do you think? Leave your opinion.

3 comentários:

Leandro Passarelli "English is a BIG fucking shit" disse...

Hi tati,
did you see my first post? If you don´t, go there and add me...ah,don´t forget to comment it.
I going to watch your video clip and after I come back to tell you about it.

kisses and hugs, Leandro

Maria Júlia Pontes disse...

I´m shure your teacher will enjoy it, it´s for your SPANISH calss isn´t it?
I loved the video!
Visit your friends blogs too.

Anônimo disse...

ola tati, desculpe nao sei escrever em ingles (ainda nao tive aulas com a prof. maju).

com relacao ao video que voce e seus colegas de classe produziram devo dizer o seguinte:

todos de parabens, continuem com essa pujança e vontade de querer aprender e produzir trabalhos de maneira nao academicas.

tecnicamente falando, o video carece um pouco mais de close e detalhes dos personagens apresentados. tenho certeza que é a cada produçao voces melhoram o uso da linguagem de video e logo estarao bombando na mtv!

beijo menininha!